Friday, August 5, 2011

Win A FREE BlackBerry Torch 9800 With BlackBerry Insight

By Alexandra McCoy | July 12, 2011

We wanted to share something with you this morning, something that the good folks over at BlackBerry Insight are doing. Right now they are knee-deep in a giveaway for a FREE BlackBerry Torch 9800. That’s right… I said FREE.

What are the details?

Simply LIKE BlackBerry Insight on Facebook to be entered into this giveaway. Contest ends on July 22nd and winner will be announced sometime after that. This giveaway is open to everyone, worldwide, so be sure to get over there and get entered into this great giveaway!

Sound off in the comments below if you threw YOUR hat in the ring. I would love to see a Mobile Unwrapped reader win this!! Thanks to Benson at BlackBerry Insight for the heads up on this great giveaway!

Tags: BlackBerry, BlackBerry Insight, BlackBerry Torch, BlackBerry Torch 9800, contest, free, Giveaway, RIM

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